Saturday, February 16, 2008



Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer (I love that title, especially since it's happened to me!) is blogging about her visit to meet her Compassion Child in Uganda. What an amazing experience!

We have a compassion child, Nattapol. He lives in Thailand, and is exactly the same age as Henry--they share a birthday so we can't forget it. It's been a great experience. Henry's placemat is a map of the world, and we often find Thailand on it and pray for him. As he gets older, I'm hoping he'll be a penpal with Nattapol, and we'll be able to make global events seem more real or see them from Nattapol's point of view.

We had a different little boy, from Nicaragua earlier--but he dropped out of the program. I can't help but wonder what happened to him and his family--it was a bit disconcerting when we got the letter.

Sunday, April 13 is Compassion Sunday--an opportunity for your church to talk about Jesus' care for the poor and give people the opportunity to sponsor a child. Check with your pastor--are you observing Compassion Sunday? If not, volunteer to organize it. We did it last year for our church, and it was really easy. They sent packets about children, inserts for the bulletin, and materials to set up a booth. All you need to provide is people to stuff the bulletins and staff the stand!

What a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus in a tangible way!


The Rock Star said...

I think it is really neat that kids all over the world are being helped! For example, I sponsor a kiddo through World Vision, Miguel Angel (What a name!), from Peru. I got the inspiration from Tony during one of his sermon's when I was in college, and he said they sponsor a kid through WV with the same birthday as Raya. Miguel has the same date as my nephew. He will be 5 this April! I think it is really cool that Henry has a birthday buddy, too! :)

Kim said...

Are we doing it again this year? I'll help staff it if you need the help. Dave and I have Mark from the Phillipines and will probably sponsor another one when our next kiddo is born.

jan said...

Hi Ann-
I'm just popping over to ask you if you'd like a copy of that article I mentioned about husbands? Or are you going to try and get a copy of the book?
If you'd like a copy of the article, I'd be happy to send it to you. My email address is can send your mailing address to me and I can get the article in the mail this week.
I will say my copy of the article wasn't printed fully-there are some words missing on one edge of one or 2 pages but you can still figure out what Debi is saying.
Anyway-please let me know if you'd like it!