Monday, August 11, 2008

Melodic Monday--Yellow Bus by Justin Roberts

In honor of Henry's first day of school on Wednesday...

Listen to it by clicking here

Yellow Bus, you're taking too long,
You're taking too long, my yellow bus
Yellow Bus, you're taking too long,
You're taking too long, my yellow bus

Well, it's only 7:30 and I know it's kinda early
But I drank my mama's coffee and I'm feeling kinda surly


Well it's 7:31 and I'm feeling kinda dumb
'Cause I waited this long for you to come


It's 7:33 and I drank a lot of tea
And I think I gotta take a little bitty ---


Well it's 8 o'clock, now it's 9 o'clock,
Now it's 10, 11, 12, and 1
And you still ain't come


It's 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock
Now it's 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Boy you sure ain't on time


Well, it's dark out now and the stars are out now
And the moon is shining yellow just like you would, bus
If you were here, bus, but you're not
And I'm kinda mad about that, But I'm getting over it
And I've just one thing to say to you and that is


The mama ran out she began to shout
She said, "hey boy, what you doing out there?"
I said "I'm waiting for that bus you see."
She said, "you're gonna be waiting a long time, it's saturday."