It went great! He was up and out of bed (instead of the usual request to snuggle for a while) as soon as his alarm went off. He ate breakfast, got dressed, and brushed his teeth without any stalling--I think that's the fastest he's ever gotten ready in the morning! We all went to the bus stop to see him off--it was 15 minutes late, but better late than early.
School itself went well--he got a "good behavior" stamp on his hand, but all he could tell us about was the bus rides, lunch, and recess :) His teacher (and the principal) called to talk about moving him to the "readers" (A&E) class, and after talking with his originally assigned teacher, we're going to try it for the rest of the week. So it should all work out!
YAY! I'm so glad everything is working out!
Congratulations Henry!
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