Monday, December 3, 2007

Melodic Monday--Make me your instrument

Di Lehman from the Champaign Vineyard gave an awesome sermon at church this Sunday on escaping busy-ness. She didn't give a self-help book or five ways to be less busy, instead she pointed out the key to being "More than Conquerers" over all the things that bring us down is the mystery/secret that is revealed in Colossians 1:27--Christ is in you, the hope of glory!

I had forgotten how much I love Colossians. Before we went to New York on sabbatical, I was in a study on it, but I think I either quit or we moved before we even finished chapter two. I'm definitely picking that back up.

Back to Melodic Mondays--the Christ in You theme has had me singing this song by The Ragamuffin Band (Rich Mullin's band after he died):

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace:
where there's hatred, let me sow love;
and where there is injury, pardon;
and where there is doubt, then faith;
and where there's despair, then hope.
It's in dying that I will be born,
and in giving that I will receive,
it's in loving that I will be loved,
this is my faith: it is what I believe.
Lord, make me an instrument.
Make me an instrument.
Lord, I am a stranger traveling
in a brutal yet wondrous land,
far from the promise of home,
on a journey, led by Your hand
to where the lion lies down with the lamb. Father, grant that I'd never seek
to be comforted as to console;
let the blood of Your Son cover me,
touching my spirit, seizing my soul,
Lord, make me an instrument.
Lord, make me an instrument.
Lord make me YOUR instrument.
Let Your divine mystery guide my heart:
it's in dying that I will be born,
and in giving that I will receive,
it's in loving that I will be loved;
this is my faith: it is what I believe.

Christ within me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ above me,
Christ beneath me, to my left and my right,
Christ where I lie and where I arise,
Christ in the hearts of all who think of me,
Christ on the lips of all who speak of me,
Christ in the eyes of all who see me---

make me Your instrument, Lord!
Make me Your instrument, Lord!
Make me Your instrument, Lord!
Make me Your instrument, Lord!
Make me Your instrument.

1 comment:

Love Bears All Things said...

I did a Colossian study once and throughly enjoyed it.
I'm listening to Kenny G's Holiday album in the background. I am at peace. Most of the gifts are wrapped, the ornaments for gifts made, 3 of the last 4 pkgs in the car to mail, mission donations ready to deliver, just the cards remain.
Mama Bear