Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Yes-Buts

I have a bad case of the yes-buts. I also have a sinus infection and haven't slept well in a while, so that contributes to the yes-buts.

So what are the yes-buts? It's an awful disease. It's when someone tells you something, and your response is yes, but... which means you're digging in your heels instead of doing what you're supposed to do.

Example: see previous post.

YES, I need prayer, BUT...blah, blah blah see previous post
YES, I should have our life group pray for me, BUT...we're supposed to be pouring out not taking since we're the leaders.
YES, seeing a leader need prayer can lead to better prayer times and real relationships overall, BUT we've already done that for me with the miscarriage anniversary AND the second miscarriage AND... See prayer hog reference in last post...
YES, I should go to the Women's Ministry Center, BUT miscarriage and midlife crisis aren't on their "list" of mentor areas.

I know I've had the yes-buts before, my mom commonly diagnosed them in my teen years. But I'm not sure what the cure is, other than a good night's sleep and just saying yes, despite the buts...

(Sorry, no Top Ten this week....I tried coming up with Top Ten good things about "Fall" and could only think of bad things, so if someone wants to generate one for me, I'd appreciate it...)


Kelsey said...

Could a hug cure the yes-buts? Either way, consider yourself hugged!

Misty said...

I am a yes-but aholic, and NOT proud...