Friday, October 19, 2007

The conversation I missed at lunch today...

On Fridays, my friend Jen and I share childcare--this morning I hung out with the kids while she went to the grocery store, and she took care of the crew while I went to some meetings for work. Apparently I missed a pretty interesting marriage conversation over lunch...

DTR, the kids could all *theoretically* be siblings--Emma is 9 months older than Henry, Ruthie is half way between Henry and Harmony, and Olivia is 15 months younger than Harmony...they really do have a great time together. I'm so glad we're friends!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good set up, swapping child care.
Mama Bear

Mindy said...

I read the marriage conversation the kids had, too funny! I'm glad you have another family that you can swap childcare with, and the kids get along so great!