Monday, December 22, 2008

Melodic Monday--Light the Advent Candle

Henry picked up this song on Sunday, despite coloring and looking like he wasn't paying attention while it was being sung. We lit the advent candles every day during advent while I was a kid. We're not quite so diligent, but the kids have enjoyed it the days we've done it.

Light the Advent candle one.
Now the waiting has begun
We have started on our way
Time to think of Christmas Day.

Candle, candle burning bright,
shining in the cold winter night
Candle, candle burning bright
Fill our hearts with Christmas light.

Light the Advent candle two
Think of humble shepherds who
Filled with wonder at the sight
Of the child on Christmas night.


Light the Advent candle three
Think of heavenly harmony
Angels singing "Peace on Earth"
At the Blessed Saviour's birth.


Light the Advent candle four
Think of joy forevermore
Christ Child in a stable born
Gift of love that Christmas morn.


Light the Christmas candle now
Sing of donkey, sheep and cow
Birthday candles for the King
Let the alleluias ring.

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