Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Saying Grace, Part 1

Come Lord Jesus,
Be our guest,
Let these gifts,
To us be blessed,

I grew up in a Lutheran household, and this was the prayer we said before every meal. What I’ve never understood is why the prayer before the meal is called grace.

But one thing I’ve learned from saying grace all these years is that what should follow grace is eating of the meal. How strange would it be if I asked to be excused immediately after saying grace?

But sometimes I see that happen in the church. We ask for grace, but when we get it, we don’t allow it to transform our lives, to live by faith and not by sight. I think it’s a great loss—by overemphasizing grace and de-emphasizing works, it’s like asking to be excused before the meal is served.

I wanna stay for dessert, Lord. Show me how to receive grace and let it empower me to be your hands and feet to those around me.

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